Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Happy and thanks for them...^^

hey... i'm so happy... berat badanku turun drastis..wakakkaa
tak ku sangka gw bs turun sebanyak tuh... so thanks bged..
42 kg!!!!!! so amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ga sia2 gw diet slma ni....i like that..haha

my mom, u are my spirit now..
thanks mom,...when i'm so sad..only u beside me ( loveeee uuuuu sooooo muchhhh )
my dad... i really miss u everyday.. ( love u dad )
my dear , chloe..u so special in my life..pgn kencan stp ari ma u..
bgtu bahagia ny diriku di samping u..
u mama dan kekasih terbaik w..haha

anak2 ku di panti..wakakka...
sok jdi mama aj ah... i hope i can bring happines in ur life..
my promise for them... never forget them coz love them sooo much..^^

my sis.. Pusy...thanks y sis...hahhahahhaa
ga bs blg ap2.. tp gw tau u care bgt ma w... Love uuuuuuu sisssss

my fren in office.. fun with them... thanks ci Janet, kak Yanti, ci Nelly, and all my fren

my bestie fren..
senny zhu...thanks sis,.,, ga bs blg ap2 lg..u ckup bt gw semangat..
ad di saat gw sedih, senang
wiwi, fira,.. thanks say... haha
moko, asiau, freddy, dll de yg bt gw sll berantem ma kalien..( jgn lupa kembalikan brg kl ud gw pinjamkan)
klakson... es krim gw mna??haha
tp thanks yaaa... gw mao bljr mam sk ma sushi ah..
es krim membuat saya gendut...dan ga bole mam lg de... BOSEN..wakaka..
twety, haha...thanks ya,, u jg ckup bt gw terhibur dgn crt2 lucu u,.
steve , hahaa si topui thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and sutian...haha
u sgt bae bae bae bae bae bae bae ma gw.. bs blg ap2... thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and for someone,,
thanksss bged,.. i never forget memories with u..
u make me so happy when I'm with u.......
u kenangan terindah yang pernah ku lalui dalam hidup ku..
gw harap u bs dptin apa yg u mau, ap yg u kejar...... i hope u can make ur mom happy..
jgn cpt mencari someone utk mengantikan diri ku.. hope sooo.^^
the last... Thanksssssssssssssss..... thanksssss.... for u...