Tuesday, May 18, 2010

9 days again..

9 days again ??? I'm waiting this day....
THIS IS MY BIRTHday...hahaha..

I hope have a blast party...wakakkaka
want meet someone special.... really miss him.. kpn y gw bs ktmu??
kykna ga akn de... T.T
gw ga harapin hadiah... w cm mao doa dr tmn2 gw...
gw pgn ttp jd she she yg lucu, bs happy , kerja yg baik , bla bla bla
and the last i hope he alwys remmember me in ur heart

Friday, May 7, 2010

sial nya ari ini...

haizz... bulan ini bln yg gw tunggu tp mla membuat gw bad mod..
sialnya diri ku ari ini,... haizz..

hp gw ilang a.... smua nmr d PB hilang smua... ancua la tuh??

Thursday, April 29, 2010

yeah... 29 days again..

hey... May..its coming !!! reallly happy... coz this month is specially month for me..
never forget in my life... ahhaa.. da tuh bt gw takud aja..
wktu ku jdi berkurang 1 taun.. tapi thanksss.. mpe ari ini tuhan mci pcya ma gw bt lakukan hal yang membuat org di samping w bahagia a...

aku bahagia dengan hidup ku yang sekarang.. ngrsa pgn muda selalu... umur 22 taun membuat gw .... wakakkakkakakkakakka
ga berani bilang.... takud..wakkaka
my wish :
i hope being a god girl and make a my family happy..hahahhaa
uda tuh....  i hope i can find someone love me... love me soo much..
gw ga tau itu kapan... tp gw hrp ada la... msa ga ada... wkwkkwk

eem...one wish lg.. kykna ga akn trwujud.. tp gpp.. itu kn dreams
gw pgn dia org prtama yg ucapin birthday for me !!
gw pgn ktmu diaaa.... pgn bged.. wlpn w cm ktmu dia 5 menit..
pgn kyk dlu.. bs becanda2an...just being fren la..
tp sekarang ud ga bs... dia menjau dan menghilang enta kmna.. T.T
apa mungkin krn hub kita di masa lalu??
knp ya selalu bgtuu... tp Give Up she she !!
tp gw pgn blg thanks for u... thanks for u.. really thanks...

Monday, April 26, 2010

whatever will be, just fight for our love, we won't be sorry for that !!!

Gengsi???? menyebalkan stp gw dgr ada yang saling mencintai tapi karena alasan yang ga ok aj nurut gw mereka putus
apa cinta tuh seperti itu?? mencintai tapi ujung2 nya menyakiti satu sama lain pdhl kalien sbnrny saling mencintai
kcian si sebenarnya,, tapi cinta bgtu rumit..
gw harap tmn gw bs nyadar dan mao balekan ma mantan dia
setidaknya lakukan lah yg terbaik buat cinta sebelum itu terlambat... filosofi gw keren yaa... wkwkk

knp gw bgtu smgat bt mereka jdian kmbali y??
knp gw sdri tak berusaha?? aneh tapi bgtu la w skrg..
bahagia melihat org tuh bahagia...
ribetnya sebuah cinta.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Memories Song ^^

When I'm Think of You

My all, my everything,

My six in the morning when the clock rings

and i open up my eyes to a new day

My Laughs, my frowns

My ups, My downs

Its a feeling that you get when you know that somethings true,

When i think of love i think of you

Im looking at you while your sleeping here beside me,

Oh, mere words cant explain the love i have inside

Its more than just a physical thing, i know

Its something like a spiritual connection

I feel it in my soul heart and mind

The sweetest thing is what you are

From you, I'll never be to far,

Please say forever you will stay beside me

Your beautiful like the colours of the rainbow

Warm heated like the rays of the sun on summer days

All i got to do is look into your eyes to lose myself

Your the substance of my dreams, epitomy of women

The only one i truly call mine

Oohh when i think of love i think of you

Baby i love you, baby i need you.

Since I Found You

i think of you in everything that i do

to be with you what ever it takes i'll do

cause you my love, you all my heart desires

you've lighten up my life forever i'm alive

since i found you my world seems so brand new

you've show me the love i never knew

your presence is what my whole life through

since i found you my life begin so new

now who needs a dream when there is you

for all of my dreams came true

since i found you

your love shines bright

through all the corners of my heart

maybe you are my dearest heart

i give you all i have my heart, my soul, my life

my destiny is you

forever true... i'm so in love with you

since i found you my world seems so brand new

you've show me the love i never knew

your presence is what my whole life through

since i found you my life begin so new

now who needs a dream when there is you

for all of my dreams came true

since i found you

my heart forever true...

in love with you..

Thursday, April 22, 2010


bahagia?? apa gw bahagia??
pertanyaan aneh yang buat gw speechles buat menjawab nya
gw ga tau apa gw bahagia atau tidak... tapi aku berusaha membahagiakan orang lain dengan sgla hal yg bs kulakukan.. kecerian dan senyuman ku mungkin bisa menutup kesedihan ku..
tapi gw ga peduli... Bagi gw skrg, menyenangkan org lain..

Lets Flow... 私は彼を愛してリスクを取っていると私も愛 の痛みを受け入れる
my life must go on..

dulu aku tidak pernah berpikir bisa berkenalan dgn mereka..
enta gmna gw bs bertemu dgn mereka... mereka seperti memberi cahaya dalam hidup ku..
cahaya yang baru redup dan idup kembali..
kira kira begitu la...hahahahhaa...........
kenapa ya orang tuh gengsi nya super tinggi??
kenapa ya cinta tuh bgtu rumit??
kenapa ya org yang saling mencintai tuh tidak bisa bersama dengan alasan alasan yang sebenarnya tak logis
apa mungkin itu tanda nya keajaiban dari sebuah jodoh??
apa jodoh itu punya timer??

kebanyakan nanya bged gw..
gw bnr2 bingung.. hahaa..

I want sleep and make a one dream..
I hope its not dream but its reality.....
reality about my dream....................

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Happy and thanks for them...^^

hey... i'm so happy... berat badanku turun drastis..wakakkaa
tak ku sangka gw bs turun sebanyak tuh... so thanks bged..
42 kg!!!!!! so amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ga sia2 gw diet slma ni....i like that..haha

my mom, u are my spirit now..
thanks mom,...when i'm so sad..only u beside me ( loveeee uuuuu sooooo muchhhh )
my dad... i really miss u everyday.. ( love u dad )
my dear , chloe..u so special in my life..pgn kencan stp ari ma u..
bgtu bahagia ny diriku di samping u..
u mama dan kekasih terbaik w..haha

anak2 ku di panti..wakakka...
sok jdi mama aj ah... i hope i can bring happines in ur life..
my promise for them... never forget them coz love them sooo much..^^

my sis.. Pusy...thanks y sis...hahhahahhaa
ga bs blg ap2.. tp gw tau u care bgt ma w... Love uuuuuuu sisssss

my fren in office..
haha..so fun with them... thanks ci Janet, kak Yanti, ci Nelly, and all my fren

my bestie fren..
senny zhu...thanks sis,.,, ga bs blg ap2 lg..u ckup bt gw semangat..
ad di saat gw sedih, senang
wiwi, fira,.. thanks say... haha
moko, asiau, freddy, dll de yg bt gw sll berantem ma kalien..( jgn lupa kembalikan brg kl ud gw pinjamkan)
klakson... es krim gw mna??haha
tp thanks yaaa... gw mao bljr mam sk ma sushi ah..
es krim membuat saya gendut...dan ga bole mam lg de... BOSEN..wakaka..
twety, haha...thanks ya,, u jg ckup bt gw terhibur dgn crt2 lucu u,.
steve , hahaa si topui thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and sutian...haha
u sgt bae bae bae bae bae bae bae ma gw..
thanksss....ga bs blg ap2... thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and for someone,,
thanksss bged,.. i never forget memories with u..
u make me so happy when I'm with u.......
u kenangan terindah yang pernah ku lalui dalam hidup ku..
gw harap u bs dptin apa yg u mau, ap yg u kejar...... i hope u can make ur mom happy..
jgn cpt mencari someone utk mengantikan diri ku.. hope sooo.^^
the last... Thanksssssssssssssss..... thanksssss.... for u...